Tentang Jurnal Ini

9th International Conference on Information Technology and Business 2023

It is mandatory to prepare the camera-ready paper as per the instructions listed on ICITB 2023 website and your paper will not be published unless the following are done:
1. Revise your paper(s) according to the reviewers’ comments. The detailed review is listed below in this email. Please send revision journal in email proceedingicitb@darmajaya.ac.id.
2. The accepted similarity level is a maximum of 20% which you may check using Turnitin or other similar plagiarism checks.
3. Fill the registration form that can be accessed from the website. Submit it including the proof of your payment and proof of student status when it is relevant Go to Regristration.
4. Payment registration at Bank BJB 003021618001 an LPM IIB Darmajaya.


“Gateway to the future Business With Open AI”





Prof. Helen Cabalu

Professor at School of Accounting, Economics and Finance, Faculty of Business and Law, Curtin University, Western Australia

Assistant Professor Supattana Nirukkanaporn, D.Eng

Director of Master Program in Electrical and Computer Enginering, Rangsit University, Thailand