Async Web Server Berbasis Nodemcu Esp8266 Sebagai Pengontrol Proyektor
Kecepatan kendaraan,, Alarm, Monitoring, SMS, ArduinoAbstract
This research is based on the problem of difficulties in manually controlling (on/off) the projector by the laboratory staff so that it is necessary to implement an async web server based on the Nodemcu ESP8266. Async web server enables device control via a responsive web interface and connected to a Wi-Fi network, so users can control the projector without direct physical interaction. This research aims to design and implement a projector controller, as well as a web display that makes it easier for users to control the device. The research method involves the use of an ESP8266 microcontroller, IR transmitter sensor and IR receiver. The research results show increased efficiency of projector control via a web interface, minimizing physical interactions, saving energy, providing access for campus parties who have permission, and detecting electrical problems on the projector. In conclusion, implementing an async web server is important for increasing productivity and operational efficiency in the laboratory.